How can we calculate the flow rate through soil using Darcy’s law?

✅ GEOtExcel: Soil Mechanics & Foundation Engineering Excel Spreadsheets:
☑ Soil mechanics: Darcy’s law (alpha version):
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Hydraulic gradient, velocity and flow rate calculation:
📊 Geotechnical Excel Spreadsheets
Designed by Dr. Ahmad Fahmi

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11 thoughts on “How can we calculate the flow rate through soil using Darcy’s law?”

  1. Dear Dr. Ahmad Fahmi.
    I appreciate your videos. I am Geotechnical Engineer from Mozambique.
    I would like to be provided with yout Spreadsheets.
    Besta Regards.
    Dias Pandze

  2. Dear Dr. Ahmad Fahmi.
    Your spreadsheet for Darcy´s Law seems very instructive for soil science purposes. How could I acquire a copy? I´m an agronomy engineer from Argentina.
    Carlos Montero

  3. I appreciate your videos. I am a civil engineer.
    kindly give me Calculation of soil bearing capacity: Excel spreadsheet (Terzaghi’s method).
    Best Regards.


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