Bearing Capacity Factors: Meyerhof, Hansen,Vesić

Cost-Free Excel Spreadsheet:

In geotechnical engineering, bearing capacity is the soil’s ability to support applied loads. It’s the maximum pressure between the foundation and soil that won’t cause failure. Ultimate bearing capacity is the highest pressure soil can handle without failing, while allowable bearing capacity considers a safety factor. Soft soil may settle under load without failing, so allowable bearing capacity can be based on acceptable settlement. Allowable bearing pressure is the maximum pressure soil can handle without failure, while ultimate bearing capacity is the pressure before failure.
In this freely available Excel spreadsheet, you’ll find Bearing Capacity Factors based on methodologies by Meyerhof, Hansen, and Vesić.

32 thoughts on “Bearing Capacity Factors: Meyerhof, Hansen,Vesić”

  1. پاسخ سوال ۱
    روش ترزاقی:qu=3531.78 kN/m²
    qall=1177.26 kN/m²
    Q=1424.48 kN/m²

    روش مایرهوف: qu=6454.62 kN/m²
    qall=2151.54 kN/m²

  2. پاسخ سوال ۲
    قسمت الف: —》 B=L=1.02 —》 Q=377.5 > 370KN

    قسمت ب: —》D1=0.5m—》B=L=0.86m
    D1=2m —》 B=L= 0.72m
    D1=8m —》B=L=0.45m

  3. پاسخ سوال ۲
    قسمت اول: B=L=1.02 —》 Q=377.5> 370KN

    قسمت دوم: D1=0.5m —》 B=L=0.86m
    D1=2m —》 B=L=0.72m
    D1=8m —》 B=L=0.45m


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