Drained Triaxial Test (CD)/ Excel spreadsheets
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Analyzing Consolidated Drained (CD) Triaxial Test results using an Excel spreadsheet provides an efficient way to interpret soil behavior under drained conditions, where pore water pressure is allowed to dissipate. The CD test is commonly used to evaluate the shear strength parameters of soil, such as cohesion (c) and the angle of internal friction (ϕ). To analyze CD test results in Excel, start by inputting the raw data from the test, including axial load, confining pressure, and deformation measurements. You can use Excel formulas to calculate key parameters like deviator stress, axial strain, and volumetric strain. Plotting stress-strain curves and Mohr’s circles for different confining pressures allows you to visualize the behavior of soil under various loading conditions. Excel’s built-in regression tools can also be used to derive the failure envelope, helping to determine the soil’s shear strength parameters (c and ϕ). With Excel’s capability to automate calculations and generate graphs, it becomes a powerful tool for efficiently analyzing CD test results and understanding soil behavior under drained conditions.
Designed by Dr. Ahmad Fahmi