✅ How to calculate the “Bearing Capacity” in an Excel spreadsheet for strip, square, and circular footings using Terzaghi’s method?

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✅ Excel Spreadsheets for Soil Mechanics & Foundation Engineering
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Terzaghi, Hansen, Vesic, and Meyerhof developed foundational methods in geotechnical engineering for calculating soil bearing capacity. Terzaghi’s method, the earliest and most straightforward, provided a basic bearing capacity formula based on three key factors. Hansen built upon this by adding correction factors for foundation shape, depth, and load inclination. Vesic further enhanced the method, integrating plasticity theory for more accurate predictions under complex conditions. Meyerhof introduced a more generalized bearing capacity formula that accounted for the foundation’s shape, depth, and load inclination, providing a comprehensive approach to bearing capacity estimation.
Designed by Dr. Ahmad Fahmi