The weight of a wet soil is 32 g. When this soil dries, its weight reduces to 30 g. If it is saturated, its weight increases to 40 g. If the specific gravity of the soil equals 2.65, then calculate: A) Water content, B)Void ratio, C)The degree of Saturation, D)Porosity, E)Volume of the Soil phases, F) Air content and Percentage air voids.
GEOtExcel spreadsheets will be commercially available next year and will be accessible to professors, lecturers, and engineers. The GEOtExcel-Consolidation spreadsheet is currently available at no cost. It is one among the hundreds in the GEOtExcel collection. This program, focused on consolidation, is presented as a gift to our subscribers and followers. While you are welcome to use the program for teaching purposes, we kindly ask that you refrain from publishing any educational videos or lectures created using this spreadsheet. It is suggested that you refer to the YouTube video published on the GEOtExcel channel to learn how to use the shared Excel file.